Poultry News

CNN highlights why more people are becoming urban

chicken keepers (Thanks, Chicken Whisperer!).


Sacramento approves chicken-keeping within city limits!

See us on Good Day Sacramento!
(Feb 2011)
Tune in or watch online! We will be 'talking chickens and showing-off some fancy poultry in front of Robinson's Feed and Western Supply in Lodi.


Chickens get special treatment during a bath at groomer's in Lincoln!

The news crew at Good Day Sacramento showed us just how pampered chickens could get when it comes to preparing for a poultry show appearance! Check out this link to see the video and news coverage....


Meet My Mentor and Fellow Chicken Enthusiast!

Back in September of 2010, I read an article about a woman named Jennifer Murtoff in Chicago who had started her own "Urban Chicken Consulting" business. I got brave and called her....she soon became my mentor and we stayed in touch. She recently posted a great post in her own blog about our introduction. Please visit her site and read about how I became a Urban Chicken Consultant and Poultry Sitter!


Want Chickens?

Being able to have live birds shipped to you may be put to an end unless people contact their Congressmen!

Stromberg's Chicks & Gamebirds Unlimited has sent out an alert and we need to spread the word....
"For decades, the U.S. Postal Service has been a mainstay of the small flock poultry world. Anyone wanting to ship or receive birds has been able to do so in a dependable and economical way.

Recent events put this long-standing relationship at peril. While the post office hasn't changed the mailing status of poultry, they have recently entered into contracts with Fed-Ex who by policy will not ship live birds. Northwest, another major air mail carrier has also announced that they will not continue to ship live birds. That leaves only three carriers that can help fulfil the Post Office's obligation to ship birds. That additional pressure and the airline industries trend means that there could soon be no practical way to ship live poultry.

The Post Office is obligated to ship the mail which includes live birds. They have a responsibility to require that the companies which they contract with meet these obligations. If a company wants to carry the mail, they should carry all of the mail, not select which pieces they will and won't deal with. Interestingly, several of the carriers that have dropped carrying birds by mail will still carry birds as air freight at much higher prices. If the post office will not live up to its obligation, we feel that legislative action is required to ensure that Post office does meet the ongoing needs of the U.S. citizenship. Please take a moment and send a letter to your Legislative Representatives and help preserve small flock poultry before it's too late!"

I urge you to send a quick email or letter to your local representative, to let them know how you feel and what they need to do to accurately represent you as a tax payer.  - Cherie

The Dr. Oz Show talks about what's "in" the chicken from the grocery store....and if it's good for you!

" You have a right to know what’s in your food. Dr. Oz reveals exactly what’s in your chicken – a mix of chemicals, antibiotics, drugs and even hidden salt – and how it got there." 

Check out this recent video clip from the "Dr. Oz" Show!

Part Two:     http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/whats-nations-chicken-pt-2
Part Three:   http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/whats-nations-chicken-pt-3

Interested in meeting other "chicken" people in your area?
There's a new Meetup Group!

Meetup ( http://www.meetup.com) is a way to connect and meet other people with similar interests; it's both an online gathering as well as an in-person group that gets together on a semi-regular basis.

We now have our very own local group! Check it out and join - there are no membership fees.    http://www.meetup.com/The-Delta-Backyard-Poultry-Meetup-Group/

The Delta Backyard Poultry Meetup Group is for people who have, or are interested in having a small backyard flock of chickens for pets, eggs, composting, fertilizer, insect control, and meat, as well as for folks interested in learning more about living a self-sustaining lifestyle.
Inspired by the successful Atlanta, GA Backyard Poultry Meetup group (started by the Chicken Whisperer), our goal is to get together each month in various locations around the Delta region, San Joaquin Valley, and the Gold Country/foothills. We are gathering a great group of members who love to share their knowledge with others about everything "chicken".
With a lot planned for the remainder of 2010 and going into next year, we are hoping to add special poultry guests to our meetings such as avian veterinarians, feed experts, coop designers, and more!
We would love to meet you - all events are fun for the whole family! Membership and monthly meetings are always FREE! We are "eggcited" that you have visited with us today, and hope you will consider joining our group!

This impacts everyone who buys and sells birds by mail - hatcheries, small farmers, 4Hers and FFA members, hobbyists, feed stores, schools, zoos and research centers. If you're reading this alert, it probably impacts you!