During a poultry show, coops are typically set-up in buildings...it's not uncommon to find hundreds (or even thousands) of birds in one show. Judges make their way through the classes and breeds comparing birds to the "American Standard of Perfection", and ultimately a "Champion Row" is established. From there, they pick Best of Show and Reserve Best of show. It's very exciting, and typically takes one-to-two days to complete.
There are booths for those looking to purchase the latest and greatest chicken supplies, club tables if you are interested in specific breeds of poultry, and clusters of 4-Her's and FFA students as they compete in Showmanship. It's all neat to see - and poultry shows happen all over the world!
To learn more about the standards of pure bred poultry, visit the APA and ABA web sites.
'Keen on learning more about showing poultry, and perhaps checking out a show in-person? Here is a list of some "local" shows (for the 2017 season) held across the west coast, thanks to Chris Tamayo and CS Bantams:
January - Hollister, CA
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers
San Benito County Fairgrounds - Baldo Park
January or early February - Modesto, CA
Modesto Junior College
Pacific Poultry Breeders Association
February - Fresno, CA (Big Fresno Fairgrounds)
Greater California Society of Poultry Fanciers
April - Red Bluff, CA
Tehama County Fairgrounds
Nor-Cal Poultry Association
If you need contact information for any of the shows listed above, feel free to contact me for more information or a copy of the show list: chickensforeggs@gmail.com
You can also visit CS Bantams for a PDF of the updated show schedule, as well as many entry booklets and information. Tell him you found his site through Chickens For Eggs!