We are super eggcited to be doing two *free* classes this spring at both Robinson's locations!
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
1pm to 3pm
Robinson's Feed, Lodi Location
1150 E Victor Rd, Lodi, CA 95240
1150 E Victor Rd, Lodi, CA 95240
Call Robinson's at (209) 368-2716 to pre-register!
Saturday March 28, 2015
Saturday March 28, 2015
1pm to 3pm
Robinson's Feed, Lockeford Location
13244 Locke Road, Lockeford, CA 95237
13244 Locke Road, Lockeford, CA 95237
Call Robinson's at (209) 727-5850 to pre-register!
If you are new to raising chickens or are thinking about getting some chicks, this is the place to be!
This is our fourth year of classes at Robinson's for people interested in having chickens in their backyard. It's a great chance to ask questions and learn tips about raising a flock of your own.
We'll talk about:
"Caring for Chicks"
Interested in raising chicks but don't know where to start? I'll cover how to set-up a brooder and care for your baby chickens in a way that will keep them healthy and safe. From what you need to know before bringing the chicks home to getting ready for them to move to the big chicken coop, I'll explain everything you need to know about raising chicks successfully.
"Chickens for Eggs - How to Get The Best Eggs From Your Laying Hens"
Knowing what your hens need is important when it comes to getting fresh eggs each day. I'll talk about what things can effect a hen's ability to lay eggs and what we can do as flock owners to get the most eggs from our hens.
"Common Chicken Concerns - The Basics of Keeping Your Flock Healthy"
As a chicken owner, you are responsible for keeping your birds healthy and treating them effectively if they become ill. Learn about common chicken concerns and what you can do to prevent problems, as well as how to take bio-secure measures with your backyard flock. I will also take some time to talk about common myths and best practices.
As always, Robinson's is offering some fantastic door/raffle prizes to all those who attend.
Please join us! For more information send an email to chickensforeggs@gmail.com or call Robinson's at (209) 368-2716.
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