Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19.....Is It Time To Get Those Chickens You've been Talking About?

If you've been thinking about raising backyard poultry, now may be the right time to start thinking about some of the basics! 

Many people are having a hard time finding eggs on the shelves in grocery stores, and have made the decision to raise chickens of their own. Plus, you'll be hard pressed to find a better educational activity for the kids at home during the COVID-19 school shutdowns.

It's important to consider things like - how many chickens you want to have, your coop-set-up, and what you'll need to have on hand - before actually racing to the feed store to buy those baby chicks.

Ask yourself...
  • How many eggs do I really need each week?
  • Do I want ornamental chickens or more functional chickens? Or both?
  • What kind of animal feed will I need?
  • Where will I put the coop? Will I build it myself or buy one pre-made?
  • Do I need an enclosed chicken-run or will they free-range?
  • Are there predators that I need to protect my chickens from, such as dogs, raccoons, hawks?
  • What kind of climate and weather conditions factor-in where I live?

If you need help with answering some of these questions and developing your chicken plan, we will be doing some online/virtual classes that you can participate in remotely, from the comfort of your  couch! Email me to get on the list about the next class and to learn how to register. You can also check out the consultations, which can be done remotely as well!


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